
September 27, 2013

Birkenstock, Why the Legend?

It’s been over 200 years since Johann Adam Birkenstock began making footwear. The kind of reputation Birkenstock footwear has regarding health benefits has to be earned. The footbed on Birkenstock footwear is constructed of natural materials and shaped like the human foot. What a surprise, right? The Birkenstock advantage is clear when you look at the shape of most of the footwear on the market today.

The Birkenstock footbed, because it mimics the shape of a healthy foot, has a deep heel cup, a raised lip around the edge to properly locate the foot, and the famous ‘toe bar’. All of which holds the foot in proper alignment, thus freeing the foot to properly support the body.

The natural shape of the foot is supported by the raised arch. The heel cup, which is ‘neutral’ rather than raised, lets the whole foot support your body, rather than just the ball of the foot. The wide toe box, in combination with the toe bar and the overall flexible nature of the Birkenstock sole, lets your foot move naturally, allowing the entire foot to flex and the toes to naturally grip the toe bar, which provides comfort and also exercise for the feet and legs. Largo shoe store

Can Birkenstocks Really Help Alleviate Foot Problems?

So what kind of foot ailments can Birks alleviate? Well, many people who suffer from plantar fasciitis have reported great results. Additionally, there have been numerous individuals who claim their back pain has been greatly reduced or eliminated after beginning to wear Birks. Also, Metatarsalgia and Morton’s Neuroma, which are frequently caused by ill-fitting footwear, can of course be helped by shoes such as Birkenstocks that provide a roomy fit in the forefoot. The roomy fit of Birks can also be very effective against complaints like calluses, corns, or bunions, which usually result from overly tightly fitting footwear. Now, all this evidence is anecdotal, and no medical claims are made for Birkenstocks.

The traditional Birkenstock footbed provides adequate cushioning. The majority of wearers find the Birkenstock footbed to be comfortable.But it may be too firm for some, particularly if they’ve never worn any type of healthy footwear. More often than not, the solution is just to allow the foot and footbed to conform to each other. Yet there are a small number of wearers who just have trouble adapting to the normal footbed. So Birkenstock offers a soft footbed, which includes all of the famous Birkenstock features, but also features an extra foam layer beneath the suede liner.

Birkenstock offers both regular and narrow widths to make sure all feet get the correct fit. Actually, most regular width feet will take the Birkenstock narrow, and most wide feet will do fine with the regular. Whatever your foot type, there’s a pair of Birkenstocks for you.